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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2020

What Readers Want During COVID-19: B2B Edition

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Posted by amandamilligan I couldn’t believe the response to my last post about coming up with content ideas in the B2C space during COVID-19. Thank you to all who read and commented — I truly hope it was helpful. One piece of feedback we received was an ask to see some B2B content ideas , which, frankly, is an excellent subject. At first I was stumped about how to determine this, but then I decided that a different tool could do the trick. Exploding Topics , the new tool by Brian Dean (Backlinko) and Josh Howarth, explores topics that are surging in popularity but haven’t hit their peak. This time around, rather than focusing on specific keywords, I focused on overall trends so we can identify which categories might be of interest to your target businesses and their audiences. Then, you can examine whether these trends make sense for your niche and draw inspiration from them for your content. All things remote This trend obviously applies to B2C as well, but it’s an important co...

Content Authority: Potential Measures of Authoritative Content - Whiteboard Friday

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Posted by rjonesx. When it boils down to it, every idea in SEO can be understood as a set of measurements we use to rank one page over another. And that means that when it comes to measuring a concept like the authoritativeness of your content, there are almost certainly factors that you can analyze and tweak to improve it.  But if Google were to use a measure of content authority, what might go into it? Against what yardstick should SEOs be measuring their content's E-A-T? In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Russ Jones walks us through a thought experiment as to what exactly might constitute a "content authority" score and how you can begin to understand your content's expertise like Google.   Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab! Video Transcription Hey, folks, this is Russ Jones here with another Whiteboard Friday, and today we're going to have fun. Well, at least fun for me, because this is complet...

Content Authority: Potential Measures of Authoritative Content - Whiteboard Friday

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Posted by rjonesx. When it boils down to it, every idea in SEO can be understood as a set of measurements we use to rank one page over another. And that means that when it comes to measuring a concept like the authoritativeness of your content, there are almost certainly factors that you can analyze and tweak to improve it.  But if Google were to use a measure of content authority, what might go into it? Against what yardstick should SEOs be measuring their content's E-A-T? In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Russ Jones walks us through a thought experiment as to what exactly might constitute a "content authority" score and how you can begin to understand your content's expertise like Google.   Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab! Video Transcription Hey, folks, this is Russ Jones here with another Whiteboard Friday, and today we're going to have fun. Well, at least fun for me, because this is complet...

Announcing: The Keyword Research Master Guide [New for 2020]

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Posted by Cyrus-Shepard Why a new guide? Often in SEO, we get so preoccupied with technical SEO (pagination, site speed, the latest Python course, etc.) that we forget the basis of winning SEO begins and ends with keywords. Not choosing keywords before you start with SEO means shooting in the dark — a likely losing gamble if your content will succeed or not. Choosing the wrong keywords means wasting your time and budget on content that will never gain visibility in search results. Conversely, choosing smart, targeted keywords can help carve out and dominate a traffic niche that raises you above the competition. No doubt, the difference between good SEOs and mediocre SEOs is often their keyword research strategy. Here at Moz, a question we often hear after people finish reading the famous Beginner's Guide to SEO is: What do I read next? To give people a practical place to start, we wanted to provide you with concrete keyword research workflows . It's as if you'...

Announcing: The Keyword Research Master Guide [New for 2020]

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Posted by Cyrus-Shepard Why a new guide? Often in SEO, we get so preoccupied with technical SEO (pagination, site speed, the latest Python course, etc.) that we forget the basis of winning SEO begins and ends with keywords. Not choosing keywords before you start with SEO means shooting in the dark — a likely losing gamble if your content will succeed or not. Choosing the wrong keywords means wasting your time and budget on content that will never gain visibility in search results. Conversely, choosing smart, targeted keywords can help carve out and dominate a traffic niche that raises you above the competition. No doubt, the difference between good SEOs and mediocre SEOs is often their keyword research strategy. Here at Moz, a question we often hear after people finish reading the famous Beginner's Guide to SEO is: What do I read next? To give people a practical place to start, we wanted to provide you with concrete keyword research workflows . It's as if you'...

How Google SERP Layouts Affect Searching Behavior

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Posted by Stephen_Job There are several studies (and lots of data) out there about how people use Google SERPs, what they ignore, and what they focus on. An example is Moz’s recent experiment testing whether SEOs should continue optimizing for featured snippets or not (especially now that Google has announced that if you have a featured snippet, you no longer appear elsewhere in the search results). Two things I have never seen tested are the actual user reactions to and behavior with SERPs. My team and I set out to test these ourselves, and this is where biometric technology comes into play. What is biometric technology and how can marketers use it? Biometric technology measures physical and behavioral characteristics. By combining the data from eye tracking devices, galvanic skin response monitors (which measure your sweat levels, allowing us to measure subconscious reactions), and facial recognition software, we can gain useful insight into behavioral patterns. We’re learning ...