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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2022

9 Local Search Developments You Need to Know About from Q3 2022

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Did Q1 and Q2 whip past you? They did for me, but the pace of life often seems to slow down a little in autumn, and I hope you’ll join me for a relaxed and studious look at interesting local search marketing developments from the third quarter of 2022. 1) A small harvest of review-related changes I’m grouping four different review-related developments under this heading. First, Joy Hawkins spotted a change to Google’s guidelines on prohibited and restricted content . As I’ve covered here exhaustively in my Moz column, there are lots of things a business can do to rectify a complaint in hopes of seeing an unhappy customer update their negative review to reflect an improved experience, but outright incentivization of negative review removal has now been declared out-of-bounds by Google. Second and rather related, Greg Gifford captured a good stat from Aaron Weiche ’s LocalU presentation that I’d not heard before: over ⅓ of negative experiences referenced in reviews mention comm...

9 Local Search Developments You Need to Know About from Q3 2022

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Did Q1 and Q2 whip past you? They did for me, but the pace of life often seems to slow down a little in autumn, and I hope you’ll join me for a relaxed and studious look at interesting local search marketing developments from the third quarter of 2022. 1) A small harvest of review-related changes I’m grouping four different review-related developments under this heading. First, Joy Hawkins spotted a change to Google’s guidelines on prohibited and restricted content . As I’ve covered here exhaustively in my Moz column, there are lots of things a business can do to rectify a complaint in hopes of seeing an unhappy customer update their negative review to reflect an improved experience, but outright incentivization of negative review removal has now been declared out-of-bounds by Google. Second and rather related, Greg Gifford captured a good stat from Aaron Weiche ’s LocalU presentation that I’d not heard before: over ⅓ of negative experiences referenced in reviews mention comm...

How We Increased a Client’s Leads by 384% in Six Months by Focusing on One Topic Cluster [Case Study]

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Content marketing is an essential part of any SEO strategy. Without it, how are you going to attract customers looking for answers to their questions, and who are potentially in the market for your products or services? At Tao Digital Marketing , we've recently generated some great results for one of our clients operating in the business financial space, The Insolvency Experts , mainly by focusing on just one “cluster topic” that was a huge money maker for them. When looking at six month comparison stats (August 2021-January 2022 to February-July 2022), we've achieved the following: Leads: 95 to 460 (384%) Clicks: 4,503 to 23,013 (411%) Impressions: 856,683 to 2,033,355 (137%) Average position: 33.4 to 23.6 (increased almost 10 spots) This was mostly achieved by absolutely hammering one topic area: company liquidation. In this case study, we’re going to explain how we did this step by step, so that hopefully you can generate similar results for your own bus...

How We Increased a Client’s Leads by 384% in Six Months by Focusing on One Topic Cluster [Case Study]

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Content marketing is an essential part of any SEO strategy. Without it, how are you going to attract customers looking for answers to their questions, and who are potentially in the market for your products or services? At Tao Digital Marketing , we've recently generated some great results for one of our clients operating in the business financial space, The Insolvency Experts , mainly by focusing on just one “cluster topic” that was a huge money maker for them. When looking at six month comparison stats (August 2021-January 2022 to February-July 2022), we've achieved the following: Leads: 95 to 460 (384%) Clicks: 4,503 to 23,013 (411%) Impressions: 856,683 to 2,033,355 (137%) Average position: 33.4 to 23.6 (increased almost 10 spots) This was mostly achieved by absolutely hammering one topic area: company liquidation. In this case study, we’re going to explain how we did this step by step, so that hopefully you can generate similar results for your own bus...