SEO Maturity: Evaluating Client Capabilities - Whiteboard Friday
Posted by HeatherPhysioc Clients aren't always knowledgeable about SEO. That lack of understanding can result in roadblocks and delay the work you're trying to accomplish, but knowing your client's level of SEO maturity can help. In today's Whiteboard Friday, we welcome the brilliant Heather Physioc to expound upon the maturity models she's developed to help you diagnose your client's search maturity and remove blockers to your success. Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab! Video Transcription What up, Moz fans? My name is Heather Physioc. I'm Director of the Discoverability Group at VML . We are in Kansas City. Global ad agency headquartered right in the middle of the map. Today we're going to talk about how to diagnose the maturity of your SEO client. I don't mean emotional maturity. I mean maturity as it pertains to SEO capabilities, their ability to do the work, as well as their organizational...