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Empathetic Consulting: 3 Things to Remember When Working With Other Teams

Empathetic Consulting: 3 Things to Remember When Working With Other Teams

9 Tips to Integrate Organic, Paid, and Content - Whiteboard Friday

9 Tips to Integrate Organic, Paid, and Content - Whiteboard Friday

The ABCs of Video Content: How to Build a Video Marketing Strategy

The ABCs of Video Content: How to Build a Video Marketing Strategy

The Ultimate Guide to SEO Meta Tags

Posted by katemorris Editor's note: This post first appeared in April of 2017, but because SEO (and Google) changes so quickly, we figured it was time for a refresh! Meta tags represent the beginning of most SEO training, for better or for worse. I contemplated exactly how to introduce this topic because we always hear about the bad side of meta tags — namely, the keywords meta tag. One of the first things dissected in any site review is the misuse of meta tags, mainly because they're at the top of every page in the header and are therefore the first thing seen. But we don't want to get too negative; meta tags are some of the best tools in a search marketer's repertoire. There are meta tags beyond just description and keywords , though those two are picked on the most. I've broken down the most-used (in my experience) by the good, the bad, and the indifferent. You'll notice that the list gets longer as we get to the bad ones. I didn't get to cover all o...