9 Local Search Developments You Need to Know About from Q2 2022
Just as you were absorbing all the Q1 local search excitement , Q2 came marching along with a bundle of new happenings and surprises. Don’t worry if you missed out on any of the key announcements and observations — I’ve got a little list for you here: 1. Novel stats on persistent reviewers Curtis Boyd included some statistics that I’ve never seen compiled before in his presentation at a LocalU conference. As captured in the above tweet from Joy Hawkins , 8% of unhappy customers or spammers whose first review is removed will come back and write another one. 60% of them will simply republish their initial review or one that’s quite similar, but 40% will make their second go even worse. The takeaway here is that you’ve got to monitor reviews constantly , and the relief of removal can be short-lived unless you’re watchdogging your profiles and working to get anything removed that violates Google’s content guidelines . 2. Both Google and Yelp promote eco features Yelp reports that...