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3 Important Google Updates to Understand — Whiteboard Friday

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With recent shake-ups to the Google algorithm, Lily Ray joins us for this week’s episode to walk you three of the most important types of search engine updates that can affect your SEO strategies. Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab! Video Transcription Hey, everyone. I'm Lily Ray, and today I'm going to be talking about a few different types of Google updates.  Helpful content update So we're going to start with the helpful content update, which was announced and rolled out in August of 2022. The helpful content update introduced a new concept in the SEO space, which is a sitewide classifier that will be identifying unhelpful content. This is content that Google decided or determined is primarily written for search engines and is not exactly helpful for users. This new sitewide classifier that they're using with the helpful content update will be applied to sites that Google believes is doing this type of thin...

3 Important Google Updates to Understand — Whiteboard Friday

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With recent shake-ups to the Google algorithm, Lily Ray joins us for this week’s episode to walk you three of the most important types of search engine updates that can affect your SEO strategies. Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab! Video Transcription Hey, everyone. I'm Lily Ray, and today I'm going to be talking about a few different types of Google updates.  Helpful content update So we're going to start with the helpful content update, which was announced and rolled out in August of 2022. The helpful content update introduced a new concept in the SEO space, which is a sitewide classifier that will be identifying unhelpful content. This is content that Google decided or determined is primarily written for search engines and is not exactly helpful for users. This new sitewide classifier that they're using with the helpful content update will be applied to sites that Google believes is doing this type of thin...

The Leading Characteristics of Review Writers, Review Readers, and Successful Owner Responses

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Common sense is a useful asset, and as it turns out, it’s a fairly reliable guide when it comes to navigating the big world of online local business reputation. However, for the very first time, thanks to the recent report, The Impact of Local Business Reviews on Consumer Behavior , I was able to test my intuition against original, hard data revealing the habits of real review readers, review writers, and successful owner responses. I highly recommend reading the full survey analysis, but today, I want to distill that mass of data down into three simple descriptions that emerged through the considerable work of analysis. These three descriptions codify dominant traits, characteristics and behaviors. They are meant to help you envision both the public and practices in an approachable manner, with the proviso that some people and industries will certainly fall outside these norms. For the bulk of local businesses, however, it’s my hope that this synthesis enables you to form a useful me...

The Leading Characteristics of Review Writers, Review Readers, and Successful Owner Responses

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Common sense is a useful asset, and as it turns out, it’s a fairly reliable guide when it comes to navigating the big world of online local business reputation. However, for the very first time, thanks to the recent report, The Impact of Local Business Reviews on Consumer Behavior , I was able to test my intuition against original, hard data revealing the habits of real review readers, review writers, and successful owner responses. I highly recommend reading the full survey analysis, but today, I want to distill that mass of data down into three simple descriptions that emerged through the considerable work of analysis. These three descriptions codify dominant traits, characteristics and behaviors. They are meant to help you envision both the public and practices in an approachable manner, with the proviso that some people and industries will certainly fall outside these norms. For the bulk of local businesses, however, it’s my hope that this synthesis enables you to form a useful me...

A Different Way of Thinking About Core Updates

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These days, Google algorithm updates seem to come in two main flavors. There’s very specific updates — like the Page Experience Update or Mobile-Friendly Update — which tend to be announced well in advance, provide very specific information on how the ranking factor will work, and finally arrive as a slight anti-climax. I’ve spoken before about the dynamic with these updates. They are obviously intended to manipulate the industry, and I think there is also a degree to which they are a bluff. This post is not about those updates, though, it is about the other flavor. The other flavor of updates is the opposite: they are announced when they are already happening or have happened, they come with incredibly vague and repetitive guidance, and can often have cataclysmic impact for affected sites. Coreschach tests Since March 2018, Google has taken to calling these sudden, vague cataclysms “Core Updates”, and the type really gained notoriety with the advent of “Medic” (an industry nickna...

A Different Way of Thinking About Core Updates

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These days, Google algorithm updates seem to come in two main flavors. There’s very specific updates — like the Page Experience Update or Mobile-Friendly Update — which tend to be announced well in advance, provide very specific information on how the ranking factor will work, and finally arrive as a slight anti-climax. I’ve spoken before about the dynamic with these updates. They are obviously intended to manipulate the industry, and I think there is also a degree to which they are a bluff. This post is not about those updates, though, it is about the other flavor. The other flavor of updates is the opposite: they are announced when they are already happening or have happened, they come with incredibly vague and repetitive guidance, and can often have cataclysmic impact for affected sites. Coreschach tests Since March 2018, Google has taken to calling these sudden, vague cataclysms “Core Updates”, and the type really gained notoriety with the advent of “Medic” (an industry nickna...

Advanced On-Page SEO Optimizations — Whiteboard Friday

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Typically, when SEOs think about on-page optimizations, they’re thinking about core places to include their target keywords within their content. But how can you take your on-page optimizations to the next level and get beyond some of those basic tactics? In today’s episode of Whiteboard Friday, Chris Long shows you how. Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab! Video Transcription Howdy, Moz fans. I'm Chris Long with Go Fish Digital, and today we're going to talk about advanced on-page optimizations. Commonly in SEO, when we think about on-page optimizations, we're typically thinking about core places to include the keywords, such as the title, the H1, the URL within the content. But some people might be wondering, how can you take your on-page optimizations to the next level and get beyond some of those basic tactics? So that's what I want to cover today. Entities So one of the best ways I found to shift away from the ...