A Timeline of Bing and Bard Features
Microsoft is tweaking The New Bing constantly, grooming it to be the heir apparent to the traditional, or Top-10 blue links model that first appeared in its modern form 25 years ago with AltaVista . GoTo.com taught Google how to monetize search results back in 1998 , and for about a quarter century, that’s been the dominant model. Sure, there’s been Universal Search , Knowledge Graph , and Featured Snippets , but the core of search has been the same for a long time. Now, Microsoft is trying to change that with Bing, with a rapid-fire roll-out of potentially game-changing new features leveraging the latest GPT AI-tech to make the next feature “conversational search”. Let’s look at the timeline. But first, a word on history and why Microsoft is so ready to take up this battle. Microsoft’s AI history Clippy, Tay, and shameless risk taking AI-like features in Microsoft products are nothing new. Some may remember Clippy, the paper clip Office assistant from last century who was retir...